Dallas Fort Worth International Airport
Annual Materials Testing &
Geotechnical On Call Contract
DFW/City of Dallas, Texas
AGG holds the Annual Contract for Materials Testing and Geotechnical providing services for over 50 construction projects. A few signature projects include:
Runway 18R/36L, which consisted of replacement of the center third of the runway including over 34 acres of damaged concrete, replacement of runway electrical including over 2000 airfield lights as well as reconstruction of shoulders, blast pads, and drainage. Also included the rehabilitation of a complete hot mis asphalt overlay.
High Mast Lighting, which included the installation of new foundations, power pads and equipment, duct banks, cables and junction can plazas.
Airfield Pavement Rehabilitation, this project consisted of evaluating existing pavement conditions for Runway 18R/36L, Runway 13L/31R, Runway 13R/31L, Runway 17L/35R, Runway 17R/35L, and Runway 18L/36R. The purpose of the testing was to evaluate the physical characteristics and current structural condition of the runway pavement layers. Terminal D Expansion, project improvements include 140,000 SF of new space within four new gates to the south side of Terminal D, which will function as the link between Terminal D and Terminal F.
K-9 and Bomb Squad Facility this project consisted of constructing 15,000 SF facility with outdoor kennels, dog runs and parking lots.